This 17th century house has been in the same family for generations and it is located in São Cristovão de Selho, a village 6 kms away from Guimarães.

The house as it stands today was built in the 17th century by the ancestors of today’s owner. The interior is brimming with antique furniture and curios - even its ceilings are a delight to behold, some of them beautifully painted. The floors are not to be missed either, with their hand-woven "Arraiolos" rugs from the 18th century.

The delightful manor house is surrounded by quiet forests where guests can enjoy a pleasant day, finding here and there natural fountains and the nearby river offers good fishing and pleasant walking opportunities along its banks.


  • 1 x Single - From 130.00€ / night
  • 2 x Double - From 139.00€ / night


  • Library
  • Hunting
  • Chapel
  • Speak French
  • Speak English
  • Gardens
  • walking
  • Fishing
  • Conference room


Rua do Campinho - São Cristóvão de Selho

6656 TH

This 17th century house has belonged to the same family for generations and the splendour of its interior furnishings, antiques and murals is a delight to behold. It is located in São Cristovão de Selho, a village 6 kms from Guimarães and the nearby river offers good fishing and pleasant walking along the banks.

In Solares de Portugal The art of good living , Edições INAPA, 2007


In Guimarães, district of Braga, in the parish of S. Cristovão de Selho, is located the old Casa do Ribeiro.

Ever since 1688 untill now, people of the same family have lived there.

It is a building with a sketch in U, surrounded by a high wall, where the main gate with a delightful scenical result is, having in the middle the Arms Stone. We can reach the inward, after trespassing the big gate and crossing the central area of the House; going up by the big stone stairs in opposite to a round arch.

This House was repaired in 1975, preserving the initial architecture. It is surrounded by quiet forests where guests can enjoy walking, finding here and there natural fountains.

The Casa do Ribeiro has confortable living and sitting-rooms as well as bedrooms and a big balcony; all long the garden, we can admire a very artistic fountain.